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Video Processing Cards

The VEGA 3300 offers a series of compact encode accelerator cards that offer the highest in quality and speed of encoding and help IT optimize server resources by employing an accelerator card model specifically for the encoding task. The VEGA-3300 targets file or stream-based encoding workflows and the VEGA-3301 adapter card adds 4K video capture capability over built-in HDMI 2.0, Display Port or 4-ch SDI-3G video inputs. Both cards feature a simple-to-use API and example code for FFmpeg.
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M.2 Intel Movidius X AI module
  1. Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU onboard
  2. Ultra compact, Low power consumption
  3. Hardware acceleration for common deep neural networks
  4. Scalable for multi video streams edge inference
  5. 10 times the performance compared to previous generation
  6. Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit fully supported


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PCIe x4 w/ 4x Intel Movidius X AI module
  1. Four/Eight Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU onboard
  2. Hardware acceleration for common deep neural networks
  3. Scalable for multiple video streams edge inference
  4. 10 times the performance compared to the previous generation
  5. Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit for inference performance optimization
  6. Edge AI Suite with GUI for quick evaluation


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PCIe x4 w/ 8x Intel Movidius X AI module
  1. Four/Eight Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU onboard
  2. Hardware acceleration for common deep neural networks
  3. Scalable for multiple video streams edge inference
  4. 10 times the performance compared to the previous generation
  5. Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit for inference performance optimization
  6. Edge AI Suite with GUI for quick evaluation


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