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PCI Express Cards

Advantech now includes PCI Express to their series of multifunction cards. Their advanced circuit design provides higher speed and more functions, including the five most desired measurement and control functions: A/D conversion, D/A conversion, digital input, digital output, and counter/timer.
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32-channel Isolated Digital I/O PCI Express
  1. 16-ch isolated digital input
  2. 16-ch isolated digital output for both PNP(source)/ NPN (sink) type
  3. High output driving capacity
  4. DO type selectable by software
  5. High isolation voltage (2,500 VDC)
  6. Interrupt handling capability for all DI channels (PCIE-1750UH only)
  7. Selectable digital filter time for all DI channels (PCIE-1750UH only)


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64-Channel Isolated Digital Input PCI Express Card
  1. Wide input range (10 ~ 30 VDC)
  2. Either +/- voltage input for DI by group
  3. High over-voltage protection (70 VDC)
  4. High-voltage isolation (2,500 VDC)
  5. Output status read-back
  6. Keeps the output settings and values after system hot reset
  7. Channel-freeze function


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128 channel Isolated Digital I/O Card
  1. 64 isolated digital input channels, 64 isolated digital output channels
  2. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
  3. Wide input / output range (5 - 25VDC input, 4 - 40VDC output)
  4. High-sink current for isolated output channels (90 mA max./channel)
  5. Current protection for each output port, ESD protection for input ports (2,000 VDC)
  6. BoardID™ switch
  7. Output status read-back
  8. Programmable Power-up States


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8-channel Relay & 8-channel Isolated Digital Input PCIE Card
  1. 8 opto-isolated digital input channels
  2. 8 relay actuator output channels
  3. Interrupt handling capability for all DI channels
  4. Selectable Digital filter time for all DI channels
  5. Output status readable
  6. LED indicator to show activated relays
  7. Selectable Form A or Form C


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16-bit, 32-ch Analog Output PCIE card
  1. 32/16 high-density analog output channels
  2. Flexible Output Range: ±10 V, 0 ~ 20 mA and 4 ~ 20 mA
  3. Synchronized output function
  4. Keep output values when hot system reset
  5. High ESD protection (2,000 VDC)
  6. Board ID switch


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