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Home SRP & IoT Gateway Automation IoT Gateways & Devices

Automation IoT Gateways & Devices

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A8 600MHz,2xLAN,2xCOM,Dual SIM slots w/EdgeLink
  1. TI Cortex A8 600MHz CPU with DDR3L 256MB RAM
  2. Support web service for remotely on-line monitoring
  3. Firmware update by SD card and online update
  4. Data logger on SD card
  5. Support dual SIM slots for communication redundant
  6. Support MQTT Client for cloud communication
  7. Wide Operating temperature: -40 ~ 70°C
  8. No RED Certification


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A8 600MHz,2xLAN,2xCOM,1xUSB,w/ EdgeLink
  1. TI Cortex A8 600MHz CPU with DDR3L 256MB RAM
  2. Support web service for remotely on-line monitoring
  3. Firmware update by SD card and online update
  4. Data logger on SD card
  5. Support dual SIM slots for communication redundant
  6. Support MQTT Client for cloud communication
  7. Wide Operating temperature: -40 ~ 70°C
  8. No RED Certification


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